Quick Heal 2015 Trial Resetter {L Drago}
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The most common side effects following a colonoscopy are pain and abdominal swelling or bloating. A study published in 2015 reported that 20% of patients experience pain for two or more days following a colonoscopy. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, patients who took probiotics after their colonoscopy had a 30% decrease in the number of post-colonoscopy days of pain.iii
In general, give supplements a short-term trial to see if they improve your symptoms. If so, then continue using them. If not, you can discontinue them. Here are a few that are most likely to improve your gut healing diet success.
Eating a gut healing diet is mostly about common sense. Eat a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet full of nutrition, and watch how quickly your gut and other health challenges respond. Include supportive supplements if needed. 2b1af7f3a8