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November 2022Abhijith AAbhishek MisalAbinesh M (@Abi_hecker)Aditra Andri LaksanaAkinciborAlcolabia Naz (@alfa1)Amal.S.BabuAmeer Hamza Khan (@SaFiSecu)Amine Ismail (@aminei_)Bilal AbdussalamCaesar Evan Santoso (Mama Aku Masuk HoF Apple)Cale Andersond0xingDamian StrobelDohyun Lee (@l33d0hyun) of DNSLab, Korea University.Dylan HensonfullstopGaurav popalghat (@N008x)Hariharan sHemant KashyapHussein Daher (@HusseiN98D)Huynh Thong (sysr00t)Indoappsec Team (@indoappsec)Joe Gregg and Mike PiekarskiJoy Ghosh - System00 Securitykhalaf altayeibKush Sehra (@infosec1999)Kyaw Min Thein of BDO Advisory SingaporeLawSoul from SentinelX (CMC Cyber Security RedTeam)Mhd Yasser ShakhashiroMiguel Lourenço (@Ancient_Hacker)Mirza Muhammad FauzanMohamed AlthafMohamed mahdi riahi of ODDO-BHFMr.Azeeznav1nNguyen Van Hung (Itachi22) from SentinelX (CMC Cyber Security RedTeam)Noth (沈彧璿)Ori LeviPrameetPrasanth Elangovan (@virtuvil / @prazumaki)Ramkumar GanesanRicardo Iramar dos Santos (@ricardo_iramar)Ruben Amirthalingam (Hacker_Yogi)Sanket Sherkhane (@White_devil_127)Sebaran (@ReginTony)Shubham Sureshchandra Nirmala Guptatodayisnew / @codecancareVedavyasan S (@ved4vyasan) of St Mary's HSS KizhakkekaraVijay Kumar (@indoappsec) of Indoappsec TeamVuk Ivanovic (musashi42)October 2022
Claessens, Stijn, Djankov, Simeon, and Lang, Larry H.P. , The separation of ownership and control in East Asian corporations Volume 58, Issue 1-2, October 2000, page 81-112 Excel spreadsheet "Claessens_Djankov_Lang_Data.XLS" Claessens_Djankov_Lang_Data.XLS Excel spreadsheet "" Claessens_Djankov_Lang_Data.ZIP [ZIP] Welch, Ivo, Herding among security analysts Volume 58, Issue 3, December 2000, page 369-396 "welch2000jfe.html" Program files Jones, Christopher S., Extracting factors from herteroskedastic asset returns Volume 62, Issue 2, November 2001, page 293-325 "" Matlab Program files and data [ZIP] Faccio, Mara, and Lang, Larry H.P., The ultimate ownership of Western European corporations Volume 65, Issue 3, September 2002, page 365-395 Excel spreadsheet "Faccio_Lang_Data.XLS" Faccio_Lang_Data.XLS Excel spreadsheet "" Faccio_Lang_Data.ZIP [ZIP] Campbell, John Y., Chan, Yeung Lewis, and Viceira, Luis M., A multivariate model of strategic asset allocation Volume 67, Issue 1, January 2003, page 41-80 " " Link to Campbell web page "" Matlab Code and data files [ZIP] Chan, Wesley S., Stock price reaction to news and no-news: Drift and reversal after headlines Volume 70, Issue 2, November 2003, page 223-260 "Chan2003_doc.txt" Documentation for Chan data files Excel file containing "crspg16a.csv" CRSP sub-sample permno's SAS file containing "" news stories, dates, and permno's [ZIP] Baker, Malcolm, Greenwood, Robin, and Wurgler, Jeffrey, The maturity of debt issues and predictable variation in bond returns Volume 70, Issue 2, November 2003, page 261-291 Excel spreadsheet "Baker_Greenwood_Wurgler_Data.XLS" Baker_Greenwood_Wurgler_Data.XLS Excel spreadsheet "" Baker_Greenwood_Wurgler_Data.ZIP [ZIP] Campbell, John Y., and Yogo, Motohiro, Efficient tests of stock return predictability Volume 81, Issue 1, July 2006, page 27-60 Excel spreadsheet "Campbell_Yogo_Data.xls" Campbell_Yogo_Data.xls GAUSS Programs "" Campbell_Yogo_Programs.ZIP [ZIP] Larrain, Borja, and Yogo, Motohiro, Does firm value move too much to be justified by subsequent changes in cash flow? Volume 87, Issue 1, January 2008, page 200-226 Excel spreadsheet "Larrain_Yogo_Data.xls" Larrain_Yogo_Data.xls Claessens, Stijn, Feijen, Erik, Laeven, Luc, Political connections and preferential access to finance: The role of campaign contributions Volume 88, Issue 3, June 2008, page 554-580 Excel spreadsheet "Brazil_CFL_JFE.XLS" Brazil_CFL_JFE.XLS Excel spreadsheet "" Brazil_CFL_JFE.ZIP [ZIP] Bali, Turan G., Brown, Stephen J., and Caglayan, Mustafa O., Do hedge funds' exposures to risk factors predict their future returns? Volume 101, Issue 1, July 2011, Pages 36-68 Excel spreadsheet "Bali_Brown_Caglayan_JFE.XLS" Bali_Brown_Caglayan_JFE.XLS Excel spreadsheet "" Bali_Brown_Caglayan_JFE.ZIP [ZIP] van Rooij, Maarten, Lusardi, Annamaria, and Alessie, Rob, Financial literacy and stock market participation Volume 101, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 449-472 Stata data and programs "" [ZIP] Berkman, Henk, Jacobsen, Ben, and Lee, John, Time-varying rare disaster risk and stock returns Volume 101, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 313-332 Excel data "Berkman_Jacobsen_Lee_Data.xls" Berkman_Jacobsen_Lee_Data.xls [XLS] Kim, E. Han and Lu, Yao, CEO ownership, external governance, and risk-taking Volume 102, Issue 2, November 2011, page 272-292 "" Stata data files [ZIP] Liu, Xiaoding, and Ritter, Jay, Local underwriter oligopolies and IPO underpricing Volume 102, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 579-601 Excel data "Liu_Ritter_Data.xlsx" Liu_Ritter_Data.xlsx [XLSX] Excel data "" Liu_Ritter_Data.xlsx [ZIP] Chen, Jason Huafeng, and Chen, Shaojun, Investment-cash flow sensitivity cannot be a good measure of financial constraints: Evidence from the time series Volume 103, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 393-410 "chen_chen_data.rar" Programs and Data Karolyi, G. Andrew, Lee, Kuan-Hui, and van Dijk, Mathijs A., Understanding commonality in liquidity around the world Volume 105, Issue 1, July 2012, Pages 82-112 Excel data "" Karolyi_Lee_vanDijk_Data.xls [in ZIP format] Bae, Kee-Hong, Baek, Jae-Seung, Kang, Jun-Koo, and Liu, Wei-Lin, Do controlling shareholders' expropriation incentives imply a link between corporate governance and firm value? Theory and evidence Volume 105, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 412-435 Excel data "" Bae_Baek_Kang_Liu_Data.xls [in ZIP format] Hong, Harrison, and Yogo, Motohiro, What does futures market interest tell us about the macroeconomy and asset prices? Volume 105, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 473-490 Stata spreadsheet " ~myogo/data/" Hong_Yogo_Data.ZIP [ZIP] Stata programs " ~myogo/programs/" Hong_Yogo_Programs.ZIP [ZIP] Bajgrowicz, Pierre, and Scaillet, Olivier Technical trading revisited: False discoveries, persistence tests, and transaction costs Volume 106, Issue 3, December 2012, page 473-491 Programs "" [ZIP] Huizinga, Harry and Laeven, Luc Bank valuation and accounting discretion during a financial crisis Volume 106, Issue 3, December 2012, page 614-634 Excel spreadsheet containing the figures "Huizinga_Laeven.xlsx" Huizinga_Laeven.xlsx [XLSX] Programs "" [ZIP] Menkhoff, Lukas, Sarno, Lucio, Schmeling, Maik, and Schrimpf, Andreas Currency momentum strategies Volume 106, Issue 3, December 2012, page 660-684 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Menkoff_Sarno_Schmeling_Schrimpf.xlsx" Menkoff_Sarno_Schmeling_Schrimpf.xlsx [XLSX] Becker, Bo, Jacob, Marcus, and Jacob, Martin Payout taxes and the allocation of investment Volume 107, Issue 1, January 2013, page 1-24 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Becker_Jacob_Jacob.xlsx" Becker_Jacob_Jacob.xlsx [XLSX] Chang, Bo Young, Christo¤ersen, Peter, and Jacobs, Kris Market skewness risk and the cross-section of stock returns Volume 107, Issue 1, January 2013, page 46-68 "Chang_Christoffersen_Jacobs.xlsx" Excel data files "" Excel data files [ZIP] Carney, Richard W. and Child, Travers Barclay Changes to the ownership and control of East Asian corporations between 1996 and 2008: The primacy of politics Volume 107, Issue 2, February 2013, page 494-513 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Carney_Child.xlsx" Carney_Child.xlsx [XLSX] Acharya, Viral, Schnabl, Philipp, and Suarez, Gustavo Securitization without risk transfer Volume 107, Issue 3, March 2013, page 515-536 " ~pschnabl/data.htm" web site containing STATA data and code Ferson, Wayne, Nallareddy, Suresh, and Xie, Biqin The "out-of-sample" performance of long run risk models Volume 107, Issue 3, March 2013, page 537-556 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Ferson_Nallareddy_Xie.xlsx" Ferson_Nallareddy_Xie.xlsx [XLSX] Aktas, Nihat, deBodt, Eric, and Roll, Richard Negotiations under the threat of an auction Volume 108, Issue 1, April 2013, page 99-117 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Aktas_deBodt_Roll.xlsx" Aktas_deBodt_Roll.xlsx [XLSX] Zipped excel spreadsheet containing the data "" [ZIP] Dyreng, Scott D., Lindsey, Bradley P., and Thornock , Jacob R. Exploring the role Delaware plays as a domestic tax haven Volume 108, Issue 3, June 2013, page 751-772 " -and-code" Download for Exhibit 21 Garcia-Appendini, Emilia, and Montoriol-Garriga, Judit Firms as liquidity providers: Evidence from the 2007-2008 financial crisis Volume 109, Issue 1, July 2013, page 272-291 "GAMG.dta" Stata data file containing Compustat identification codes Eisfeldt, Andrea L., and Kuhnen, Camelia CEO turnover in a competitive assignment framework Volume 109, Issue 2, August 2013, page 351-372 "Eisfeldt_Kuhnen.xlsx" Excel data files "" Excel data files [ZIP] Cornaggia, Jess Does risk management matter? Evidence from the U.S. agricultural industry Volume 109, Issue 2, August 2013, page 419-440 Zipped Stata dataset "" [ZIP] Green, T. Clifton, and Jame, Russell Company name fluency, investor recognition,and firm value Volume 109, Issue 2, August 2013, page 419-440 Mutual fund name fluency dataset"Green_Jame_mf.xlsx" Green_Jame_mf.xlsx [XLSX] Company name fluency dataset"Green_Jame_co.xlsx" Green_Jame_mf.xlsx [XLSX] Mutual fund name and Company name fluency dataset"" [XLSX files in ZIP format] Vijh , Anand M., and Yang, Ke Are small firms less vulnerable to overpriced stock offers? Volume 110, Issue 1, October 2013, page 61-86 "Vijh_Yang.xlsx" Excel data file "" Excel data file [ZIP] Deng, Xin, Low, Buen Sin, and Kang, Jun-koo Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder value maximization: Evidence from mergers Volume 110, Issue 1, October 2013, page 87-109 "Deng_Low_Kang.xlsx" Excel data file "" Excel data file [ZIP] Bakshi, Gurdip and Panayotov, George Predictability of currency carry trades and asset pricing implications Volume 110, Issue 1, October 2013, page 139-163 Excel spreadsheet containing the data "Bakshi_Panayotov.xlsx" Bakshi_Panayotov.xlsx [XLSX] Nain, Amrita, and Yao, Tong Mutual fund skill and the performance of corporate acquirers Volume 110, Issue 2, November 2013, page 437-456 "Nain_Yao.xlsx" Excel data file "" Excel data file [ZIP] Du, Du General equilibrium pricing of currency and currency options Volume 110, Issue 3, December 2013, page 730-751 "" Excel data files [ZIP] Frazzini, Andrea, and Pedersen, Lasse Heje Betting against beta Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2014, page 1-25 " ~af227/data_library.htm" Excel data files on Andrea Frazzini's web page " ~lpederse/data.htm" Excel data files on Lasse Heje Pedersen's web page "Frazzini_Pedersen.xlsx" Excel data files "" Excel data files [ZIP] Rydqvist, Kristian, Spizman, Joshua, and Strebulaev, Ilya Government policy and ownership of equity securities Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2014, page 70-85 "Rydqvist_Spizman_Strebulaev.pdf" Data appendix [PDF] "Rydqvist_Spizman_Strebulaev.xlsx" Excel data file "" Excel data file [ZIP] Tahoun, Ahmed The role of stock ownership by US members of Congress on the market for political favors Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2014, page 86-110 "" Stata data files [ZIP] Leippold, Markus, and Stromberg, Jacob Time-changed Levy LIBOR market model: Pricing and joint estimation of the cap surface and swaption cube Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2014, page 224-250 "" Excel data files [ZIP] Giesecke, Kay, Longstaff, Francis, Schaefer, Stephen, and Strebulaev, Ilya Macroeconomic effect of corporate default crises: A long-term perspective Volume 111, Issue 1, February 2014, page 297-310 "Giesecke_Longstaff_Schaefer_Strebulaev_data.xls" Default Rate Data file [xls] "" Default Rate Data file [zip] Savov, Alexi The price of skill: Performance evaluation by households Volume 112, Issue 2, May 2014, page 213-231 "" Stata data files and code [ZIP] Savor, Pavel, and Wilson, Mungo Asset pricing: A tale of two days Volume 113, Issue 2, August 2014, page 171-201 "" SAS Data files[ZIP] Danis, Andras, Rettl, Daniel A., and Whited, Toni M. Refinancing, profitability and capital structure Volume 114, Issue 3, December 2014, pages 424-443. "" Code for Data files [ZIP] Chen, Ding, Härkönen, Hannu J., and Newton, David P. Advancing the universality of quadrature methods to any underlying process for option pricing Volume 114, Issue 3, December 2014, pages 600-612. "" Code files [ZIP] Michaelides, Alexander, Milidonis, Andreas, Nishiotis, George, and Papakyriakou, Panayiotis The adverse effects of systematic leakage ahead of official sovereign debt rating announcements Volume 116, Issue 3, June 2015, page 526-547 "" Excel Data files[ZIP] Floyd, Eric, Li, Nan, and Skinner, Douglas Payout policy through the financial crisis: The growth of repurchases and the resilience of dividends Volume 118, Issue 2, November 2015, page 299-316 "Floyd_Li_Skinner_data.pdf" Data information [PDF] "" Stata Code [ZIP] Mullins, William, and Schoar, Antoinette How do CEOs see their roles? Management philosophies and styles in family and non-family firms Volume 119, Issue 1, January 2016, page 24-43 "" Excel Data files[ZIP] Giglio, Stefano, Kelly, Bryan, and Pruitt, Seth Systemic risk and the macroeconomy: An empirical evaluation Volume 119, Issue 3, March 2016, page 457-471 "" Excel Data files [ZIP] Calomiris, Charles W., and Carlson, Mark Interbank networks in the national banking era: Their purpose and their role in the panic of 1893 Volume 119, Issue 3, March 2016, page 512-532 "" Data [ZIP] Ferson, Wayne, and Mo, Haitao Performance measurement with selectivity, market and volatility timing Volume 121, Issue 1, July 2016, page 93-110 "" SAS Data files [ZIP] Cookson, J. Anthony Leverage and strategic preemption: Lessons from entry plans and incumbent investments Volume 123, Issue 2, February 2017, page 292-312 "" Data and code [ZIP] Korteweg, Arthur, and Sorensen, Morten Skill and luck in private equity performance Volume 124, Issue 3, June 2017, page 535-562 "" Simulation and estimation code [ZIP] Agarwal, Vikas, Ruenzi, Stefan, and Weigert, Florian Tail risk in hedge funds: A unique view from portfolio holdings Volume 125, Issue 3, September 2017, page 610-636 " ~fncvaa/TailRisk_5_0.xlsx" Data on the tail risk factor for equity-related hedge funds "" Data on the tail risk factor for equity-related hedge funds [ZIP] Glaeser, Edward L., and Nathanson, Charles G.An extrapolative model of house price dynamics Volume 126, Issue 1, October 2017, page 147-170 "" Code [ZIP] Bali, Turan G., Brown, Stephen J., and Tang, Yi Is economic uncertainty priced in the cross-section of stock returns? Volume 126, Issue 3, December 2017, page 471-489 "" Code [ZIP] Golez, Benjamin, and Koudijs, Peter Four centuries of return predictability Volume 127, Issue 2, February 2018, page 248-263 "" Data and code [ZIP] Campbell, John Y., Giglio, Stefano, Polk, Christopher, and Turley, RobertAn intertemporal CAPM with stochastic volatilityVolume 128, Issue 2, May 2018, page 207-233 2b1af7f3a8